Indulge in Onsite Acupuncture TUESDAYS at Wayfair and let tranquility come to you! Enhances productivity and relaxation. Get more done, feel better.

Wayfair Corporate.

Acupuncture at Wayfair gives employees access to all of our services including acupuncture, cupping and gua sha.

Appointments are 1 hour long, and are located in the Appointment Rooms in Tower 3 on the 2nd floor of the Copley Square office.  

Acupuncturists will be onsite on Tuesdays.


Wayfair insurance plans cover 12 acupuncture visits per calendar year.

**Please note that Wayfair insurance plans vary which determines your acupuncture coverage and copay.  For example, Wayfair HRA plans cover 12 acupuncture visits/year - but coverage is based on funds within the HRA.  Wayfair HSA plans also cover 12 visits/year, but require deductible to be met prior to coverage of acupuncture services (HSA funds may be used for payment toward the deductible).**

If you have any questions regarding your coverage, please email or call 617-297-8549 and we can confirm your coverage prior to your appointment.